5 Foundational Tips for Constipation
Oct 19, 2022One of the most frequent conditions I see in my practice is constipation. It affects women more often than men. Most of my clients dealing with constipation have already tried multiple ways to relieve it before working with me, however, it always comes back. They feel at a loss. Many practitioners will recommend lots of fiber but I’ve come to realize that fiber is not the solution for many of these people. Although constipation is common, it is not normal. Constipation can lead to many other problems such as hormone imbalances, toxicity overload, maldigestion, dysbiosis, etc. Because it is a major drainage pathway, we need to ensure that it is always working optimally.
What is considered a healthy bowel movement? Ideally, one should have one to three bowel movements a day. Bowel movements should feel complete and the stool should be well-formed. You shouldn’t strain or have to rush to the bathroom after meals.
These are five foundational tips that you may not have tried and that can make a big difference.
1. Do not snack!
Many people may have heard of this one but don’t know why it’s so important. The migrating motor complex, a recurring motility pattern in the small intestine, takes place only during fasting. This is the time that the stomach empties and the small intestines contract to send food to the large intestine. This process takes between 113-230 minutes. To be on the safe side, I recommend fasting for 4 hours between meals. By allowing waste to get to the large intestine in a timely fashion, we can prevent dysbiosis and toxicity overload.
2. Support your body clock
Circadian rhythm is disrupted by poor habits like late-night eating, using electronics before bed, unpredictable sleeping patterns, etc. This can result in a variety of health problems, including digestive problems like constipation. The first half of the day is when the digestive system secretes the most hormones, enzymes, and gastric juices. As the afternoon progresses into evening this activity is reduced. It's important to eat during daylight hours to make the most of this and match your body clock.
3. Replenish your minerals
We burn through minerals much faster in the modern world due to psychological and environmental stress. Without proper mineral levels, you cannot hydrate your cells. In addition, our mitochondria require minerals (as well as vitamins). They act as cofactors in energy metabolism and/or by acting as antioxidants. Without cellular energy, our organs and organ systems cannot function properly. Mineralizing your water with essential minerals is one easy way to support your minerals throughout the day. I recommend Quinton Hypertonic vials and E-lyte by BodyBio.
4. Squat!
Squatting isn’t something we do much in industrialized societies but it is an ancestral posture. The famous Squatty Potty was created to help you get into this position when having a bowel movement because it creates a clearer exit for your bowel movements. I recommend practicing the yoga squat position for 5 minutes every day around the same time to train your body and mind to prep for a bowel movement.
5. Don't ignore the urge
This is pretty self-explanatory. Do not ignore your urge to use the bathroom. If you only do it once in a blue moon, you can get away with it, but if you do it frequently, it will lead to constipation.
Keep in mind that just like with anything else, consistency is key. Although these tips can be enough for some, they may be just the beginning for others. Sometimes deeper root causes need to be addressed before you can start living constipation-free.
Happy Healing!
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